Salesforce B2B Lightning

Salesforce B2B Commerce Customization

With Salesforce B2B Digital Experience we have customized the community’s look and feel, layout, and functionality to match the client specific business requirements.

  • With Salesforce’s B2B Digital Experience, we created custom user interfaces (UI) without code.
  • We have customized experience builder for client to provide seamless user experience and optimized B2B experience on smartphones and tablets.
  • Our team has worked on custom page layouts to control the arrangement of components on different pages for the B2B store.

Salesforce B2B custom components

To meet client requirements, we can go for Lightning Components, for more advanced customization options we build custom functionality, and we leverage Lightning Components.

  • created custom components using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to add new features or modify existing ones.
  • To perform complex business logic, we created custom events and event handlers to handle user interactions, such as button clicks, and changes in data.
  • To display different logos and images on UI custom components are Used with static resources.

Salesforce B2B integration

Salesforce B2B digital experience allows us to integrate with other systems and services. We have integrated data from external sources to provide a unified view of customer information, order history, inventory, and more.

  • This helps to enhance the B2B digital experience by tailoring it to individual customers.
  • We have used Chargentwhich is a payment adaptor to integrate with CyberSource for payment Processing.
  • We have integrated Avalara integrateswith Salesforce B2B to provide accurate sales & use tax calculations and tax filing.

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