Salesforce CRM

Salesforce is a powerful #1 CRM platform with unlimited possibilities.

We understand the business and create tailor-made solutions to meet specific business requirements in Salesforce. We are providing the following Salesforce services to our clients.

Salesforce Implementation & Consulting

Salesforce is a powerful CRM platform with unlimited possibilities. We understand the business and create tailor-made solutions to meet specific business requirements.

  • We understand customer’s business problems and provide solutions to meet their business goals. We believe our success lies in creating effective business solutions for our customers and with this objective we implement Salesforce.
  • We assist you migrate to Salesforce from legacy systems and provide enhancements to your current configuration
  • We come up with mechanisms across applications to improve the user experience and minimize user administration. We have a leading team of skilled consultants and developers possessing a decent track record in implementing & customizing a Salesforce to meet complex business requirements.

Salesforce Development

To meet your business needs to the highest of standards and to ensure smooth functioning and business growth we customize Salesforce as per your requirements.

We have expert skills in the development of innovative custom applications on the Salesforce platform.

  • Customize and extend your CRM solution.
  • Design and integrate custom business solutions.
  • Go Mobile
  • Go beyond CRM Integrate with other enterprise systems.
  • Eradicate the reliance on informal databases and spreadsheets.
  • Generate Business Intelligence from your CRM.

Salesforce Training

Our Salesforce Training will guide you to maximize the value of Salesforce by ensuring your users are fully knowledgeable. We provide tailored workshops and training sessions.

  • All training modules are compatible with business scenario examples.
  • Introductory Administration Training for
  • Advanced Administration Training for
  • Advanced Administration Training for
  • Online Training for

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